Official Band Website
Ridgeview High School Marching Panther Pride Band
Welcome all new band students!!!
This page was designed to ensure that all new students can go one place to find out what they need to know to start the new band season great. Please contact me if you want anything added to this page for easier access.
Incoming and Returning Student Requirements
Every successful organization requires varying kinds of contributions from members and
their families. Below is a list of the requirements that each student should meet to fully
participate in band activities.
Each student is required to donate two (2) cases of water. This water will be
used during football games and competitions for the students. Bring your cases of
water in early!
Band Camp and Practices
Once school resumes, a weekly practice schedule will be set by Mr. Colon. In addition
to this time commitment, each section will have a practice, usually weekly, as
determined by the section leader. Academics are of critical importance, and the
rehearsal schedule has been carefully determined to enable students to complete
homework. Any academic conflicts should be discussed with Mr. Colon.
Fair Share
Each member of the band must share in the expenses of operating the program. Fair
share this year will be $325.00 for members participating in marching and
competition band. There is a discount of $25.00 if paid in full prior to August 10,
2017. All other students will be participating in the concert band only. All concert band students will be required to attend football games and act as logistics crew for the marching band. They will not play during the games. All students must pay a minimum of $200.00 no later than August
10, 2017. Individual fund raising events will also be offered throughout the year to
assist with individual fair share expenses. Concert dresses will be ordered through the
school. Male students will be required to purchase their tuxedo separately, directly
from the formal wear provider to be announced at a later date.
Parent Volunteer Hours
Each student is expected to have a parent volunteer at least 10 hours at some time
during the year. Volunteer hours can be fulfilled in many ways: chaperoning, working
in the concession stand, and working on prop construction are just a few opportunities.
One home football game can fulfill 4 or 5 hours of volunteer time!
Chaperones receive free admission to games and get to know the fantastic band kids!
Chaperone requirements and responsibilities are outlined in the Band Chaperone
Handbook and will be reviewed at a short, mandatory orientation following the August
Band Parents’ Meeting. All chaperones must complete an application required by the
school board and will have a background check done before being approved to work
with the students.
Medical Chaperone
One of the chaperones at every event is designated to be the medical chaperone. This
person carries the first aid bag and student medical release forms, and responds to
minor emergencies and medication needs. In past years we have had a medical doctor
who assisted in this position at most of the events, and although medical personnel are
preferred, anyone who is first aid/CPR certified can fill this position.
Concession Stand Fun Crew
At every home game, the band operates the visitor-side concession stand, providing
the band with some football game fundraising. Volunteers are needed to prepare and
sell concession items, and the band members and their families are strongly
encouraged to utilize the band concession stand on their breaks. The game schedule
will be distributed at a later date.
Every student participating in band is expected to purchase uniform parts. These
items are separate from the fair-share fee. Marching band/competition band students
are required to have uniform items for the marching uniform. The student will be
provided a jacket, shako (hat), and plume (feather). The student is required to
purchase through the school, their bibbers (overalls worn under the jacket), dinkles
(shoes) and gloves. The cost of these items is $85.00. Payment for these items must
be made by August 12, 2017, so we can order them in time for marching season.
Students are required to provide and wear black socks with their marching uniform.
Prior to concert season, students will need to purchase a tuxedo (for guys) or concert
dress (for girls). The girl’s dresses will be ordered through the school and must be prepaid.
The cost of the dresses is $70.00 and payment is due no later than October 1,
2017. The boy’s will order their tuxedos from an outside provider. The approximate
cost will be $125.00. The provider information will be disclosed at a later date.
Concert attire is a ONE TIME expense (NOT annual expense) unless your student
damages, loses, or outgrows them. There also may be some used concert attire,
bibbers or dinkles available from seniors who are graduating this year.
Practice uniforms were addressed prior, but to recap, the practice uniform currently is
white t-shirt, black shorts (knee length), white socks and white tennis shoes. It is our
hope to have an actual practice uniform of shirt and shorts in time for summer band
General Updates and Information
Concession Needs
The concession stand is currently in need of a drink cooler for sodas. We are pursuing the
possibility of having the school drink provider secure one for us. However, if we are unable to
get one from them, we may explore requesting the donation of a refrigerator or funds to
purchase one.
Corporate Sponsors
The band welcomes corporate sponsors! Please consider suggesting other possible sponsors
as you think of them! The sponsorship letter is on the website for your use. All corporate
sponsors donating $250 or more will be entitled to have their company logo on our show
shirts and banner. (See Corporate sponsors page for more info.)
Uniform Cleaning
We need to have the uniform coats cleaned. We are hoping to find a corporate sponsor to
help us with this, or to find a cleaner who will give us a discounted rate.